手臂上共有4顆馬達為KONDO的KRS-786馬達 有feedback的功能
而前端的DMP小手之前介紹過 所以這邊不多說
原本想要塞一些東西的 不過還沒找到適合的物品
以及剪刀石頭布的布 因為正常狀態下就是布了 所以我沒有多做
附註: DMP小手雖然是三個自由度 但還是有密技可做出奇怪的手勢(請自行想像)
#include "stdio.h" #include "conio.h" #define USE_COMMON #include "roboard.h" #include "roboard_dll.h" const unsigned char wii_addr = 0x52; int joy_x_axis; int joy_y_axis; int accel_x_axis; int accel_y_axis; int accel_z_axis; int z_button = 0; int c_button = 0; void wii_data(unsigned char*); void rock(unsigned long); void paper(unsigned long); void scissors(unsigned long); int main(){ unsigned long motion_frame[32] = {1500L}; unsigned char buf[6]; unsigned long PWM_period = 10000L; roboio_SetRBVer(RB_110); rcservo_SetServo(RCSERVO_PINS1, RCSERVO_DMP_RS0263); rcservo_SetServo(RCSERVO_PINS2, RCSERVO_DMP_RS0263); rcservo_SetServo(RCSERVO_PINS3, RCSERVO_DMP_RS0263); rcservo_SetServo(RCSERVO_PINS4, RCSERVO_KONDO_KRS78X); rcservo_SetServo(RCSERVO_PINS5, RCSERVO_KONDO_KRS78X); rcservo_SetServo(RCSERVO_PINS6, RCSERVO_KONDO_KRS78X); rcservo_SetServo(RCSERVO_PINS7, RCSERVO_KONDO_KRS78X); rcservo_Init(RCSERVO_USEPINS1 + RCSERVO_USEPINS2 + RCSERVO_USEPINS3 + RCSERVO_USEPINS4 + RCSERVO_USEPINS5 + RCSERVO_USEPINS6 + RCSERVO_USEPINS7); i2c_Initialize(I2CIRQ_DISABLE); i2c0_SetSpeed(I2CMODE_FAST, 400000L); i2c0master_StartN(wii_addr, I2C_WRITE, 2); i2c0master_WriteN(0x40); i2c0master_WriteN(0x00); rcservo_EnterPlayMode(); rcservo_SetAction(motion_frame, 1000); while(!kbhit()){ i2c0master_StartN(wii_addr, I2C_WRITE, 1); i2c0master_WriteN(0x00); delay_ms(5); i2c_Receive(wii_addr,buf,6); for(int i = 0; i < 6; i++) buf[i] = (buf[i] ^ 0x17) + 0x17; wii_data(buf); if(z_button && !c_button) rock(PWM_period); else if(!z_button && c_button) scissors(PWM_period); else if(!z_button && !c_button) paper(PWM_period); else if(z_button && c_button){ printf("Enter sleep mode.\n"); rcservo_EnterCaptureMode(); delay_ms(5000); printf("You can click C button and Z button to close sleep mode.\n"); while(1){ i2c0master_StartN(wii_addr, I2C_WRITE, 1); i2c0master_WriteN(0x00); delay_ms(5); i2c_Receive(wii_addr,buf,6); for(int i = 0; i < 6; i++) buf[i] = (buf[i] ^ 0x17) + 0x17; wii_data(buf); if(z_button && c_button){ printf("Close sleep mode.\n"); break; } delay_ms(100); } } motion_frame[3] = ((joy_x_axis - 34) * 8.5) + 600; motion_frame[5] = ((joy_y_axis - 25) * 8.8) + 600; motion_frame[4] = ((accel_y_axis - 285) * 4.3) + 600; motion_frame[6] = 2300 - ((accel_x_axis - 285) * 4.3); rcservo_EnterPlayMode(); rcservo_SetAction(motion_frame, 1000); rcservo_SetFPS(50); while(rcservo_PlayAction() != RCSERVO_PLAYEND); } i2c_Close(); rcservo_Close(); return 0; } void wii_data(unsigned char *buf){ joy_x_axis = buf[0]; joy_y_axis = buf[1]; accel_x_axis = buf[2] << 2; accel_y_axis = buf[3] << 2; accel_z_axis = buf[4] << 2; z_button = 1; c_button = 1; if ((buf[5] >> 0) & 1) z_button = 0; if ((buf[5] >> 1) & 1) c_button = 0; if ((buf[5] >> 2) & 1) accel_x_axis += 2; if ((buf[5] >> 3) & 1) accel_x_axis += 1; if ((buf[5] >> 4) & 1) accel_y_axis += 2; if ((buf[5] >> 5) & 1) accel_y_axis += 1; if ((buf[5] >> 6) & 1) accel_z_axis += 2; if ((buf[5] >> 7) & 1) accel_z_axis += 1; } void rock(unsigned long PWM_period){ unsigned long PINS1_duty = 1800L; unsigned long PINS2_duty = 700L; unsigned long PINS3_duty = 1800L; rcservo_SendCPWM(RCSERVO_PINS1, PWM_period, PINS1_duty); rcservo_SendCPWM(RCSERVO_PINS2, PWM_period, PINS2_duty); rcservo_SendCPWM(RCSERVO_PINS3, PWM_period, PINS3_duty); } void paper(unsigned long PWM_period){ unsigned long PINS1_duty = 700L; unsigned long PINS2_duty = 1800L; unsigned long PINS3_duty = 700L; rcservo_SendCPWM(RCSERVO_PINS1, PWM_period, PINS1_duty); rcservo_SendCPWM(RCSERVO_PINS2, PWM_period, PINS2_duty); rcservo_SendCPWM(RCSERVO_PINS3, PWM_period, PINS3_duty); } void scissors(unsigned long PWM_period){ unsigned long PINS1_duty = 1800L; unsigned long PINS2_duty = 1800L; unsigned long PINS3_duty = 1800L; rcservo_SendCPWM(RCSERVO_PINS1, PWM_period, PINS1_duty); rcservo_SendCPWM(RCSERVO_PINS2, PWM_period, PINS2_duty); rcservo_SendCPWM(RCSERVO_PINS3, PWM_period, PINS3_duty); }